viernes, 19 de agosto de 2011

el hipopótamo ballena explica cómo identificar las seguiriyas

how to distinguish seguiriyas

One day, the shark-tiger and the hippopotamus-whale met at Malagueñas Beaches.
-Hello, shark-tiger, where are you from?
-Hello, hippopotamus-whale, I’m from Malagueñas Beaches, but I like to travel all around the world. And where are you from?
-I’m from River Seguiriyo.
-Ahh! If you are from River Seguiriyo you must like seguiriyas. Could you teach me how to distinguish seguiriyas.
-Of course, I will teach you some strategies. First of all, put these earphones on. Put attention to the guitar. First, it sounds like a drum redouble.
-Oooh, yes!
-Then, sounds “trannnn…., tra-ca-tran”.
-Yes, yes! After, “torron, torron, torron, torro-torrotorroooon”, it sounds  “trannnn…, tra-ca-tran”.
-After, some times, the cantaor sings “tiri-tiri-tiri-tiri-tiri-tiriiii”, followed by some “ayyyyyyy”.
-Yes, yes!! Is it always the same?
-Not always, but these cues will be useful to you for distinguish most of seguiriyas.
-Yes, the seguiriya is very cool. Let’s hear a seguiriya you and me together

Tiri tiri tiri tiri aaaaaaayyyyy

Miro yo a las Alturas
buscando consuelo,
y no me respondía,
y no me respondían santitos ni justos
de los altos cielos

Aaaaay, aaaay, aaaaaaayyyy
A la mar,
a la mar me asomo
buscando el consuelo.
Allí venían, cómo venían
las velitas blancas,
y el agua y el cielo

Tiri tiri tiri tiri aaaaaaayyyyy

I look to the Heights
seeking solace,
and they do not answered to me,
and neither the righteous nor saints
from the high heavens
answered to  me

To the sea
I look out to the sea
seeking solace.
Here they came, how came
the white sails,
and the water and the sky

Miguel Vargas, seguiriyas from Los Puertos

lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011

Recetas de cocina: Picasso y Morente

Uno de los últimos trabajos de Enrique Morente se tituló Recetas de cocina por Soleares.
Os lo cuelgo en el blog porque se que os va a encantar en el video todo el proceso de creacion de los dibujos que son realizados a partir de pinturas de Picasso.